Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My dilapidated neighbours house

Price inc. Shipping

is awesome. At ten in the morning some girls came up, asked what I was doing, then proceed to hand me a blunt.

"No thanks, Im British!"

One from Upper New York

Only had about 90 min on this.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

And another Bridge.

Im beginning to see a pattern here...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Some new Pleine Airs

Central Park, 8x10
Central Park, 9x12 (very hung over)
PRospect PArk, 8x10
Central Park, 8x10
and some news, I quit my job at the Art store a month early to go full time painting. I realized I don't want to spend my last month i NYC for a long time fronting tubes of paint and hauling gallons of gesso for 8.5 an hour.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Jan feb sketchbook,

Moleskine, and mechanical 0.5 pencil. All are from Starbucks or the subway. An hour a day whenever I work at Blick. I completed this in about 6 weeks. Getting closer to the goal of one a month! I was focusing mostly on heads for this one.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pochade box

This took me forever to finish, mainly due to my terrible carpentry skills and complete lack of powertools. But its done damn it, and I cant wait to try it out!